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 | Ambrose of Milan, Bishop and Doctor - Brief biography, with some asides on Arianism, and prayer in traditional and contemporary language.
|  | Ambrose, Saint - Biographical entry in the Columbia Encyclopedia. Includes short bibliography.
 | Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Ambrose - Article on the life and teachings of this Bishop of Milan, and Doctor of the Church, who died in 397.
|  | Catholic Information Network: St. Ambrose - Short biography.
 | Christian History Institute: Glimpses #26: Ambrose of Milan - Brief biography of this "hymnwriter and preacher."
|  | The Ecole Glossary: Ambrose of Milan - Short biography, by Chris Doran.
 | The Ecole Initiative: Ambrose of Milan - Article on the career of St. Ambrose, by Ivor J. Davidson. Includes an extensive bibliography.
|  | For All the Saints: Ambrose of Milan - Long biographical essay.
 | Lives of Saints: Ambrose of Milan - Profile of this bishop, confessor, and Doctor of the Church. From the book "Lives of Saints," published by John J. Crawley.
|  | Patron Saints Index: Ambrose of Milan - Illustrated profile.
 | Prologomena to St. Ambrose - From the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, second series, vol. 10. Introduction to the life and writings of St. Ambrose, with a timeline.
|  | St. Ambrose - Brief biography focusing on his hymnwriting as represented in the Lutheran Book of Worship. From Hymnuts.
 | St Ambrose, Bishop Confessor, Doctor of the Church - Lengthy biography. From Alban Butler's Lives of the Saints.
|  | St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan - Short biography.