Vatican City

Vatican City, Saint Ambrose

Vatican City

Ambrose of Milan, Bishop and DoctorAmbrose of Milan, Bishop and Doctor - Brief biography, with some asides on Arianism, and prayer in traditional and contemporary language. Ambrose, SaintAmbrose, Saint - Biographical entry in the Columbia Encyclopedia. Includes short bibliography.
Catholic Encyclopedia: St. AmbroseCatholic Encyclopedia: St. Ambrose - Article on the life and teachings of this Bishop of Milan, and Doctor of the Church, who died in 397. Catholic Information Network: St. AmbroseCatholic Information Network: St. Ambrose - Short biography.
Christian History Institute: Glimpses #26: Ambrose of MilanChristian History Institute: Glimpses #26: Ambrose of Milan - Brief biography of this "hymnwriter and preacher." The Ecole Glossary: Ambrose of MilanThe Ecole Glossary: Ambrose of Milan - Short biography, by Chris Doran.
The Ecole Initiative: Ambrose of MilanThe Ecole Initiative: Ambrose of Milan - Article on the career of St. Ambrose, by Ivor J. Davidson. Includes an extensive bibliography. For All the Saints: Ambrose of MilanFor All the Saints: Ambrose of Milan - Long biographical essay.
Lives of Saints: Ambrose of MilanLives of Saints: Ambrose of Milan - Profile of this bishop, confessor, and Doctor of the Church. From the book "Lives of Saints," published by John J. Crawley. Patron Saints Index: Ambrose of MilanPatron Saints Index: Ambrose of Milan - Illustrated profile.
Prologomena to St. AmbrosePrologomena to St. Ambrose - From the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, second series, vol. 10. Introduction to the life and writings of St. Ambrose, with a timeline. St. AmbroseSt. Ambrose - Brief biography focusing on his hymnwriting as represented in the Lutheran Book of Worship. From Hymnuts.
St Ambrose, Bishop Confessor, Doctor of the ChurchSt Ambrose, Bishop Confessor, Doctor of the Church - Lengthy biography. From Alban Butler's Lives of the Saints. St. Ambrose, Bishop of MilanSt. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan - Short biography.

Vatican City

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