Vatican City
Vatican City, Saint Arbogast
Vatican City
Saint Anthony of Padua
Saint Anthony of Padua Works
Saint Antipas
Saint Aphian
Saint Apollinaris Claudius
Saint Apollinaris of Ravenna
Saint Apollinaris of Valence
Saint Apollonia
Saint Arbogast
Saint Arnulf of Metz
Saint Arsenius the Great
Saint Asaph
Saint Assicus
Saint Athanasius
Saint Athanasius Works
Saint Athanasius Works Against the Heathen
Vatican City
Arbogast of Strasbourg
- Hagiography favors the claim that he was a native of Aquitaine.
St. Arbogast
- In Gaelic, Arascach. Irish, traveled to the Continent and became a hermit, bishop of Strasburg, famous for miracles. He died in 678.
Vatican City
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