Vatican City
Vatican City, Saint Eligius
Vatican City
Saint Egwin
Saint Eimhin
Saint Eithene
Saint Eithne
Saint Eleutherius, Pope
Saint Eleutherius of Spoleto
Saint Eleutherius of Tournai
Saint Elfleda
Saint Eligius
Saint Elined
Saint Elizabeth
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
Saint Elizabeth of Portugal
Saint Elphege the Martyr
Saint Emerentiana
Saint Emiliana
Vatican City
Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Eligius
- Or Eloi. Bishop of Noyon-Tournai, founded several monasteries, d. 660.
Catholic Online: St. Eligius
- Short biography, suitable for children.
- Illustrated profile of the smith.
Eligius of Noyon
- Biographical portrait.
Eloi, Saint
- Short biography, in the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica.
The Life of St. Eligius
- St. Ouen (Dado) wrote this hagiography of his friend Eligius.
Vatican City
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