Vatican City
Vatican City, Saint Gregory II
Vatican City
Saint Ghislain
Saint Gilbert of Sempringham
Saint Gildas the Wise
Saint Gildas the Wise Works
Saint Giles
Saint Goar
Saint Gobán
Saint Godeberta
Saint Gregory II
Saint Gregory III
Saint Gregory of Nazianzus
Saint Gregory of Nazianzus Works
Saint Gregory of Nazianzus Works On Athanasius of Alexandria
Saint Gregory of Nazianzus Works On His Sister Gorgonia
Saint Gregory of Nazianzus Works On the Death of His Father
Saint Gregory of Nazianzus Works Panegyric on His Brother Saint Caesarius
Vatican City
The Ecole Glossary: Gregory II
- Brief biography, by Karen Rae Keck.
Gregory II, Pope
- Short biography.
Patron Saints Index: Gregory II
- Illustrated profile.
Pope St. Gregory II
- Also known as Gregory Junior, or Gregory the Younger, d. 731.
St. Gregory II
- Character profile, and account of his pontificate.
Vatican City
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