Vatican City
Vatican City, Saint Guthlac
Vatican City
Saint Gregory of Tours
Saint Gregory of Utrecht
Saint Gregory Thaumaturgus
Saint Gregory Thaumaturgus Works
Saint Gregory the Great
Saint Gregory the Great Works
Saint Gregory the Illuminator
Saint Gudula
Saint Guthlac
Saint Hegesippus
Saint Helena
Saint Helen of Skövde
Saint Herbert of Derwentwater
Saint Hereswitha
Saint Hermengild
Saint Hilarion of Gaza
Vatican City
Guthlac of Crowland
- Brief biography, by Karen Rae Keck.
Guthlac of Croyland
- Short biography of St. Guthlac, with links to other saints with whom he was associated.
St. Guthlac
- Brief biography of this soldier, monk, and hermit, who died in 714.
Vatican City
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