Vatican City
Vatican City, Saint Ildephonsus
Vatican City
Saint Ignatius of Antioch Works Ephesians
Saint Ignatius of Antioch Works Epistle to Polycarp
Saint Ignatius of Antioch Works Magnesians
Saint Ignatius of Antioch Works Philadelphians
Saint Ignatius of Antioch Works Romans
Saint Ignatius of Antioch Works Smyrnaeans
Saint Ignatius of Antioch Works Trallians
Saint Ignatius of Constantinople
Saint Ildephonsus
Saint Illtyd
Saint Ina
Saint Innocent I
Saint Innocent I Works
Saint Irenaeus of Lyons
Saint Irenaeus of Lyons Works
Saint Irene the Great Martyr
Vatican City
Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Ildephonsus
- Archbishop of Toledo, d. 667.
Catholic Online: St. Ildephonsus
- Short biography this bishop, known for his devotion to the Virgin Mary.
The Ecole Glossary: Ildephonsus of Toledo
- Brief biography, by Karen Rae Keck.
For All the Saints: Ildephonsus of Toledo
- Profile of this Doctor of the Church.
Vatican City
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