Vatican City

Vatican City, Saint Justin Martyr

Vatican City

Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Justin MartyrCatholic Encyclopedia: St. Justin Martyr - Lengthy article on the life and teachings of the apologist. The Development of the Canon of the New Testament: Justin Martyr, SaintThe Development of the Canon of the New Testament: Justin Martyr, Saint - Icon, brief biography, links to online works, how Justin Martyr's writings attest to the text of the New Testament.
The Ecole Glossary: Justin MartyrThe Ecole Glossary: Justin Martyr - Short biography, by Elise M. Bender. Encyclopædia Britannica: Justin MartyrEncyclopædia Britannica: Justin Martyr - Article on the Christian philosopher and apologist, from the 11th edition (1911). Includes bibliography. Some scanner errors.
Introductory Note to the First Apology of Justin MartyrIntroductory Note to the First Apology of Justin Martyr - Information on the life and writings of St. Justin Martyr. By A. Cleveland Coxe. From the Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 1, American edition. JustinJustin - Biography of St. Justin Martyr.
Justin Martyr, Philosopher, Apologist, and MartyrJustin Martyr, Philosopher, Apologist, and Martyr - Biographical profile. With prayer in traditional and contemporary language. Justin Martyr, SaintJustin Martyr, Saint - Brief summary of Justin's life and teachings. In the Columbia Encyclopedia.
Justinus Martyr, St.Justinus Martyr, St. - In-depth examination of the theology of St. Justin Martyr, by H. Scott Holland. Brief bibliography, but copious quotations. Requires the ability to view PNG files. The Martyrdom of the Holy Martyrs Justin, Chariton, Charites, Paeon, and Liberianus, Who Suffered at RomeThe Martyrdom of the Holy Martyrs Justin, Chariton, Charites, Paeon, and Liberianus, Who Suffered at Rome - Believed to be one of the most trustworthy martyrologies. M. Dods translation, with introduction by A. Cleveland Coxe. From the Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 1, American edition. In HTML, with notes, at Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge: Justin MartyrNew Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge: Justin Martyr - Four-page article by N. Bonwetsch on the life and teachings of Justin Martyr, including his Logos Christology. Also has an extensive bibliography. The HTML is readable, but the "image" version (PNG files) is better. Patron Saints Index: Justin MartyrPatron Saints Index: Justin Martyr - Illustrated profile.
Saint JustinSaint Justin - Pious meditation on the life of St. Justin Martyr. St. JustinSt. Justin - The story of St. Justin Martyr. Suitable for children.
St. Justin Martyr: A Man in His Right MindSt. Justin Martyr: A Man in His Right Mind - Biographical profile of the apologist. St. Justin the MartyrSt. Justin the Martyr - Short biography, from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia.
St. Justin the PhilosopherSt. Justin the Philosopher - Biography of the martyr. From Alban Butler's Lives of the Saints.

Vatican City

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