Vatican City

Vatican City, Saint Monica

Vatican City

Catholic Encyclopedia: St. MonicaCatholic Encyclopedia: St. Monica - Widow, d. 387. The mother of St. Augustine of Hippo. Catholic Online: St. MonicaCatholic Online: St. Monica - Short biographical sketch of the patron saint of married women.
The Ecole Glossary: MonicaThe Ecole Glossary: Monica - Brief biography of the saint, by Karen Rae Keck. Monica, MatronMonica, Matron - Biographical portrait of the African saint.
Monnica, Mother of Augustine of HippoMonnica, Mother of Augustine of Hippo - Profile. Includes prayer in traditional and contemporary language. Patron Saints Index: MonicaPatron Saints Index: Monica - Illustrated profile, with links.
Saint Monica, WidowSaint Monica, Widow - From the book "Lives of Saints," published by John J. Crawley. Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society: St. MonicaVietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society: St. Monica - The story of this mother. Suitable for children.

Vatican City

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