Vatican City
Vatican City, Saint Oswald of York
Vatican City
Saint Odo
Saint Odo the Good
Saint Olaf
Saint Olympias
Saint Omer
Saint Optatus of Milevis
Saint Osmund
Saint Oswald of Northumbria
Saint Oswald of York
Saint Oswin
Saint Othmar
Saint Ouen
Saint Ouen Works
Saint Pachomius
Saint Palladius of Ireland
Saint Pammachius
Vatican City
Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Oswald
- Archbishop of York, d. 992 while washing the feet of the poor, as was his daily custom during Lent.
Catholic Online: St. Oswald
- Short biography of the tenth-century monastic reformer.
- Brief biography of the Archbishop of York, in the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica.
St. Oswald of Worcester
- Brief biography, edited from Richard John King's "Handbook to the Cathedrals of England: Northern Division."
Vatican City
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