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 | Byzantines.net: St. Patrick - St. Patrick's Breastplate, Liturgical stichera, Apolytikion and the Kontakion.
|  | Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Patrick - Lengthy biographical article on the Apostle of Ireland.
 | Catholic Online: Saint Patrick - Short illustrated biography.
|  | The Conversion of Ireland - A brief account of the conversion of Ireland by St. Patrick.
 | Domestic Church: Saint Patrick - Two original accounts of the life of St. Patrick: for children ages 0-8, and children 8-14. Illustrated.
|  | The Ecole Glossary: Patrick of Ireland - Brief sketch of St. Patrick, by April Blazevic.
 | History of St. Patrick - Lengthy biography of the saint. Includes "St. Patrick's Breast-Plate".
|  | Hymn on the Life of St. Patrick - Story of St. Patrick told in verse. Translated from Old Irish. Written sometime between fifth and eighth centuries, by Fiacc.
 | Ireland Now: Saint Patrick - Short article on the saint in popular legend.
|  | Ireland's Church Planter--St. Patrick - Short version of Ralph F. Wilson's "Will the Real St. Patrick Please Stand Up?"
 | Irish Opposition to "Pagan" Statute of St. Patrick - March, 1997, article about Irish opposition to replacing a traditional statue of St. Patrick at Tara with a modern sculpture of a "bald man in a mini-skirt".
|  | James Kiefer's Christian Biographies: Patrick of Ireland - Anglican perspective. Includes the Lorica (Breastplate of St. Patrick), as well as the prayer for his feast day in traditional Anglican and contemporary language.
 | The Legends of Saint Patrick - By Aubrey De Vere. Ancient stories, and the saint's own "Confession," rendered as English verse. Includes biographical introduction by the editor. Available in several formats. At Project Gutenberg.
|  | Patrick - Illustrated profile of the Apostle of Ireland.
 | Patrick, Saint - Biographical essay in the Columbia Encyclopedia. Includes bibliography.
|  | Patrick, St - Biography of the patron saint of Ireland, from the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica. Some scanner errors.
 | Placing St. Patrick in Context - Brief extract from "A Retreat with Patrick," by Timothy Joyce, on the historical situation in which Patrick's mission to Ireland occurred.
|  | Saint Patrick, Apostle of Ireland - From the book "Lives of Saints," published by John J. Crawley.
 | Saint Patrick of Ireland - Detailed biography of St. Patrick, his prayers, links to related topics.
|  | St. Patrick and Sainthood - Brief biography of St. Patrick, discussion of how someone becomes a saint.
 | St. Patrick Biography - Short introduction to the Christian missionary.
|  | St. Patrick, Bishop, Confessor, Apostle of Ireland - Hagiography, from Alban Butler's Lives of the Saints.
 | St. Patrick in His Own Words - Short essay by Pat Friend, on what St. Patrick's surviving writings tell us about his character.
|  | The St. Patrick You Never Knew - A special St. Anthony Messenger feature on the real St. Patrick, and his significance today.
 | St. Patrick's Day: The History - Brief biography of St. Patrick.
|  | The Story of St. Patrick in Stone - Photos of the altar of St. Patrick's Church, Donabate, Ireland. With brief explanation.
 | Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society: St. Patrick - Short biography, suitable for children.
|  | Was St. Patrick Catholic? - Biographical essay on St. Patrick, by James Akin, with quotes from the saint's writings.
 | Will the Real St. Patrick Please Stand Up? - Essay on the "exuberant faith and steadfast character" of the historical St. Patrick, by Ralph F. Wilson.
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