Vatican City

Vatican City, Saint Patrick

Vatican City St. St. Patrick - St. Patrick's Breastplate, Liturgical stichera, Apolytikion and the Kontakion. Catholic Encyclopedia: St. PatrickCatholic Encyclopedia: St. Patrick - Lengthy biographical article on the Apostle of Ireland.
Catholic Online: Saint PatrickCatholic Online: Saint Patrick - Short illustrated biography. The Conversion of IrelandThe Conversion of Ireland - A brief account of the conversion of Ireland by St. Patrick.
Domestic Church: Saint PatrickDomestic Church: Saint Patrick - Two original accounts of the life of St. Patrick: for children ages 0-8, and children 8-14. Illustrated. The Ecole Glossary: Patrick of IrelandThe Ecole Glossary: Patrick of Ireland - Brief sketch of St. Patrick, by April Blazevic.
History of St. PatrickHistory of St. Patrick - Lengthy biography of the saint. Includes "St. Patrick's Breast-Plate". Hymn on the Life of St. PatrickHymn on the Life of St. Patrick - Story of St. Patrick told in verse. Translated from Old Irish. Written sometime between fifth and eighth centuries, by Fiacc.
Ireland Now: Saint PatrickIreland Now: Saint Patrick - Short article on the saint in popular legend. Ireland's Church Planter--St. PatrickIreland's Church Planter--St. Patrick - Short version of Ralph F. Wilson's "Will the Real St. Patrick Please Stand Up?"
Irish Opposition to Irish Opposition to "Pagan" Statute of St. Patrick - March, 1997, article about Irish opposition to replacing a traditional statue of St. Patrick at Tara with a modern sculpture of a "bald man in a mini-skirt". James Kiefer's Christian Biographies: Patrick of IrelandJames Kiefer's Christian Biographies: Patrick of Ireland - Anglican perspective. Includes the Lorica (Breastplate of St. Patrick), as well as the prayer for his feast day in traditional Anglican and contemporary language.
The Legends of Saint PatrickThe Legends of Saint Patrick - By Aubrey De Vere. Ancient stories, and the saint's own "Confession," rendered as English verse. Includes biographical introduction by the editor. Available in several formats. At Project Gutenberg. PatrickPatrick - Illustrated profile of the Apostle of Ireland.
Patrick, SaintPatrick, Saint - Biographical essay in the Columbia Encyclopedia. Includes bibliography. Patrick, StPatrick, St - Biography of the patron saint of Ireland, from the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica. Some scanner errors.
Placing St. Patrick in ContextPlacing St. Patrick in Context - Brief extract from "A Retreat with Patrick," by Timothy Joyce, on the historical situation in which Patrick's mission to Ireland occurred. Saint Patrick, Apostle of IrelandSaint Patrick, Apostle of Ireland - From the book "Lives of Saints," published by John J. Crawley.
Saint Patrick of IrelandSaint Patrick of Ireland - Detailed biography of St. Patrick, his prayers, links to related topics. St. Patrick and SainthoodSt. Patrick and Sainthood - Brief biography of St. Patrick, discussion of how someone becomes a saint.
St. Patrick BiographySt. Patrick Biography - Short introduction to the Christian missionary. St. Patrick, Bishop, Confessor, Apostle of IrelandSt. Patrick, Bishop, Confessor, Apostle of Ireland - Hagiography, from Alban Butler's Lives of the Saints.
St. Patrick in His Own WordsSt. Patrick in His Own Words - Short essay by Pat Friend, on what St. Patrick's surviving writings tell us about his character. The St. Patrick You Never KnewThe St. Patrick You Never Knew - A special St. Anthony Messenger feature on the real St. Patrick, and his significance today.
St. Patrick's Day: The HistorySt. Patrick's Day: The History - Brief biography of St. Patrick. The Story of St. Patrick in StoneThe Story of St. Patrick in Stone - Photos of the altar of St. Patrick's Church, Donabate, Ireland. With brief explanation.
Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society: St. PatrickVietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society: St. Patrick - Short biography, suitable for children. Was St. Patrick Catholic?Was St. Patrick Catholic? - Biographical essay on St. Patrick, by James Akin, with quotes from the saint's writings.
Will the Real St. Patrick Please Stand Up?Will the Real St. Patrick Please Stand Up? - Essay on the "exuberant faith and steadfast character" of the historical St. Patrick, by Ralph F. Wilson.

Vatican City

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