Vatican City
Vatican City, Saint Ursula
Vatican City
Saint Timothy
Saint Timothy of Rome
Saint Trudo
Saint Trudpert
Saint Trumwin
Saint Tryphon
Saint Ulric of Augsburg
Saint Urban I
Saint Ursula
Saint Ursus the Theban
Saint Valentine
Saint Vedast
Saint Venantius Fortunatus
Saint Venantius Fortunatus Works
Saint Vergilius of Salzburg
Saint Veronica
Vatican City
The Ecole Glossary: Ursula
- Article on St. Ursula, her legend, and her cultus. By Karen Rae Keck.
Patron Saints Index: Ursula
- Illustrated profile, with links.
Saint Ursula and Her Companions
- Their story, for children. By Daniel A. Lord.
St. Ursula and the Eleven Thousand Virgins
- Tries to get to the root of the story.
Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins of Cologne
- Recounts two versions of the legend.
Ursula, St
- Article on this legendary saint in the Encyclopædia Britannica, 11th edition. Has some scanner errors.
Vatican City
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