Vatican City

Vatican City, Saints Perpetua and Felicity

Vatican City

For All the Saints: Perpetua and FelicityFor All the Saints: Perpetua and Felicity - Fairly lengthy hagiography, by Katherine Rabenstein. Not readable in some browsers. The Passion of Perpetua and FelicityThe Passion of Perpetua and Felicity - W.H. Shewring translation, modernized by Paul Halsall.
The Passion of the Holy Martyrs Perpetua and FelicitasThe Passion of the Holy Martyrs Perpetua and Felicitas - A very early account of the martyrdom of SS. Perpetua and Felicity. Much of the story is told by Perpetua herself. R.E. Wallis translation. From Ante-Nicene Fathers, volume III. Perpetua and Her Companions, Martyrs at CarthagePerpetua and Her Companions, Martyrs at Carthage - Short profile. With prayer in traditional and contemporary language.
Saints' Lives: Perpetua and FelicitySaints' Lives: Perpetua and Felicity - The inspiring story of two women "who, even at the cost of their lives, worshipped God and not the state." By Dave Kopel. Saints Perpetua, Felicitas, and Companions, MartyrsSaints Perpetua, Felicitas, and Companions, Martyrs - From the book "Lives of Saints," published by John J. Crawley.
St. Perpetua, and Felicitas, MM, with Their CompanionsSt. Perpetua, and Felicitas, MM, with Their Companions - From Fr. Alban Butler's Lives of the Saints. St. Perpetua and St. FelicitySt. Perpetua and St. Felicity - The story of these early saints. Suited to children.
Sts. Felicitas and PerpetuaSts. Felicitas and Perpetua - Martyred at Carthage in 203. Article in the Catholic Encyclopedia. Sts. Perpetua and FelicitySts. Perpetua and Felicity - Long article. With prayer.

Vatican City

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