Vatican City

Vatican City, Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln

Vatican City

Abby Sale's Happy Archive: 31st of JulyAbby Sale's Happy Archive: 31st of July - Sale, a regular poster to and, explains the background of Child ballad 155 ("Little Sir Hugh"). Hugh disappeared on 31 July, 1255, and was found dead, in a well, nearly a month later. Chaucer's PrioressChaucer's Prioress - The Prioress's Tale is not wholly original: it is an even more bloodthirsty retelling of the story of Little Hugh of Lincoln.
Hugh or Little Hugh of LincolnHugh or Little Hugh of Lincoln - Short article by Katherine I. Rabinstein tries to get to the true story behind the gruesome legend. Hugh the LittleHugh the Little - Profile. Says that his cultus has been suppressed.
Little Sir Hugh (Child #155)Little Sir Hugh (Child #155) - Ballad based on the story of "Little St. Hugh." The mystery of St Hugh's Well, LincolnThe mystery of St Hugh's Well, Lincoln - R.W. Morrell bought a 1910 postcard which allegedly depicted the well where Hugh's body was found. The building still stands, but the well shown on the postcard was a hoax.
Of the cruel treatment of the Jews for having crucified a boyOf the cruel treatment of the Jews for having crucified a boy - The story of Young Hugh of Lincoln, as told in Matthew Paris's Chronica Majora. St. HughSt. Hugh - Article on Little St. Hugh of Lincoln, from the Catholic Encyclopedia.

Vatican City

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