Vatican City

Vatican City, Saint Bathildis

Vatican City

BathildBathild - Also known as Bathildis or Bathildes. Profile of the saint. With links. BathildisBathildis - Hagiography. The saint is also called Baldechilde, Baldhild, or Bauteur.
Catholic Online: St. BathildisCatholic Online: St. Bathildis - Brief biography. St. BathildeSt. Bathilde - Bathilde, or Batilde, was a runaway slave who became the wife of King Clovis II. Upon widowhood, she founded monasteries and proved herself a capable regent. She died in 680. Biographical article in the Catholic Encyclopedia.
St. Bathildes, Queen of FranceSt. Bathildes, Queen of France - From Fr. Alban Butler's Lives of the Saints. Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society: St. BathildisVietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society: St. Bathildis - Her life story, suited to children. Preformatted line breaks can make this difficult to read.

Vatican City

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