Vatican City
Vatican City, Saint Burchard of Würzburg
Vatican City
Saint Botulph
Saint Braulio
Saint Brenach
Saint Brendan the Navigator
Saint Brieuc
Saint Brigid of Ireland
Saint Bruno
Saint Bruno of Querfurt
Saint Burchard of Würzburg
Saint Caedmon
Saint Caedmon Works
Saint Caesarius of Arles
Saint Caesarius of Nazianzus
Saint Caius, Pope
Saint Callistus I
Saint Canice
Vatican City
Burchard (Burckard) of Würzburg
- Biography.
St. Burchard
- Short biography with some minor factual errors: the year of Burchard's trip to Rome, and the date of his death.
St. Burchard of Würzurg
- First bishop of that city, d. about 754. Feast day: 14 October.
Vatican City
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