Vatican City
Vatican City, Saint Cyprian of Carthage Works On the Dress of Virgins
Vatican City
Saint Cuaran the Wise
Saint Cuthbert
Saint Cuthman
Saint Cyprian of Carthage
Saint Cyprian of Carthage Works
Saint Cyprian of Carthage Works Exhortation to Martyrdom
Saint Cyprian of Carthage Works On Jealousy and Envy
Saint Cyprian of Carthage Works On Mortality
Saint Cyprian of Carthage Works On the Dress of Virgins
Saint Cyprian of Carthage Works On the Good of Patience
Saint Cyprian of Carthage Works On the Lapsed
Saint Cyprian of Carthage Works On the Unity of the Catholic Church
Saint Cyprian of Carthage Works On the Vanity of Idols
Saint Cyprian of Carthage Works On Works and Almsgiving
Saint Cyprian of Carthage Works To Demetrian
Saint Cyprian of Carthage Works To Januarius
Vatican City
The Dress of Virgins
- In plain text. Translator not named.
On the Dress of Virgins
- Ernest Wallis translation. From Ante-Nicene Fathers (American edition), vol. 5. In HTML, with notes, at Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
Vatican City
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