Vatican City
Vatican City, Saint Gilbert of Sempringham
Vatican City
Saint Gerard of Toul
Saint Gerasimos of Jordan
Saint Germain of Auxerre
Saint Germain of Paris
Saint Germanus I
Saint Gertrude of Nivelles
Saint Gery
Saint Ghislain
Saint Gilbert of Sempringham
Saint Gildas the Wise
Saint Gildas the Wise Works
Saint Giles
Saint Goar
Saint Gobán
Saint Godeberta
Saint Gregory II
Vatican City
Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Gilbert of Sempringham
- Short biography of the founder of the Gilbertines, who died in 1189.
Catholic Online: St. Gilbert of Sempringham
- More an itinerary than a biography.
Gilbert of Sempringham
- Profile of the saint.
Gilbert of Sempringham, Founder
- Biographical portrait.
Gilbert of Sempringham, St
- Biographical article on the founder of a religious order of nuns and canons. In the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica.
St. Gilbert
- Founder of the Gilbertins. From Alban Butler's Lives of the Saints.
Vatican City
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