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| Against Apollinarius - Long (240K) but very important Christological text. Possibly the first English translation of this work, by Richard McCambly. With introduction.
| | Against Eunomius - Ogle-Wilson translation, notes by H.A. Wilson. Each of the 12 books (and 2 prefatory letters) in its own file, with links to contents, previous, next. File sizes can be large (e.g., Book One is 337K). In the printed edition, the complete work comes to 216 pages. At Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
| Against Fate - McCambly translation, with introduction and notes. 63K. Defends free will against astrology or any other kind of determinism.
| | Against Those Who Practice Usury - With introduction and notes. Richard McCambly translation.
| Answer to Eunomius' Second Book - M. Day translation, completed and revised with notes by H.A. Wilson and William Moore, and with an introductory note on the meaning of "epinoia". From the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, second series, vol. 5. At Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
| | Canonical Epistle - To St. Letoius, Bishop of Melitene. Accepted as canonical by the Synod in Trullo, also known as Quinisext.
| Commentary on Ecclesiastes - Eight homilies. 259K. McCambly translation, with introduction and notes.
| | Concerning His Own Ordination: To Euagrius, Concerning the Divinity - McCambly translation. Short.
| Concerning Those Who Have Died - McCambly translation, with introduction and notes. 94K.
| | A Eulogy for Basil the Great - Richard McCambly translation, with introduction and notes.
| A Funeral Oration for the Empress Flacilla - McCambly translation, with introduction and notes.
| | The Great Catechism - Moore-Wilson translation, with summary and notes. 182K. From the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, second series, vol. 5. At Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
| Hexaemeron - McCambly translation. With notes. 82K.
| | A Homily of Consolation Concerning Pulcheria - McCambly translation. With an introduction.
| In Praise of Blessed Theodore, the Great Martyr - With a lengthy introduction. The preformatted line length can make this hard to read. McCambly translation.
| | Letter 38 - Though included in St. Basil the Great's works, some scholars think that this was actually written by Gregory of Nyssa. Trinitarian theology. On the distinction between ousia and hypostasis.
| A Letter Concerning the Sorceress, to Bishop Theodoxios - McCambly translation. With introduction and notes. Gregory aims to refute Origen's opinion on the witch of Endor.
| | Letters - 18 letters, each in its own file, with notes. Letter 15 translated by H.A. Wilson, Letter 17 by W. Moore, the rest by H.C. Ogle. From the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, second series, vol. 5. At Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
| The Life of Gregory the Wonderworker - With a lengthy introduction. McCambly translation. 108K.
| | Life of Macrina - St. Gregory's tribute to his beloved sister, who was a great influence on him.
| On "Not Three Gods", to Ablabius - Translated and with notes by H.A. Wilson. From the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, second series, vol. 5. At Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
| | On Perfection - McCambly translation. 81K. An ascetical treatise addressed to a monk, complements "On Virginity". With introduction and notes.
| On Pilgrimages - Short. Moore-Wilson translation, with notes. At Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
| | On the Baptism of Christ: A Sermon for the Day of the Lights - Homily for Epiphany. H.A. Wilson translation and notes. From the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, second series, vol. 5. At Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
| On the Holy Spirit, Against the Followers of Macedonius - Moore-Wilson translation, with notes. Incomplete--the manuscript from which the translators worked was missing the end of the treatise. From the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, second series, vol. 5. At Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
| | On the Holy Trinity, and of the Godhead of the Holy Spirit - To Eustathius. H.A. Wilson translation and notes. From the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, second series, vol. 5. At Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
| On the Making of Man - H.A. Wilson translation and notes. With a brief introduction. From the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, second series, vol. 5. At Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
| | On the Sixth Psalm, Concerning the Octave - About the symbolism of the eighth day. McCambly translation. With an introduction.
| On the Soul and the Resurrection - A dialogue with his sister Macrina. 193K. Moore-Wilson translation, with notes. At Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
| | On Virginity - Moore-Wilson translation, with notes. From the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, second series, vol. 5. At Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Approximately 150K.