Vatican City

Vatican City, Saint John the Almsgiver

Vatican City

Catholic Encyclopedia: St. John the AlmsgiverCatholic Encyclopedia: St. John the Almsgiver - Also called John Eleemosynarius. Patriarch of Alexandria, d. 616. John the AlmonerJohn the Almoner - Profile.
John the AlmsgiverJohn the Almsgiver - Hagiography. John the Almsgiver (John Eleemon)John the Almsgiver (John Eleemon) - Short biography, by Karen Rae Keck.
The Life of Our Holy Father, John the AlmsgiverThe Life of Our Holy Father, John the Almsgiver - By Leontius, John Moschus, and Sophronius. Elizabeth Dawes translation, with introduction by Norman H. Baynes. From the book "Three Byzantine Saints". Saints for Young Readers for Every Day: St. John the AlmsgiverSaints for Young Readers for Every Day: St. John the Almsgiver - The story of the bishop who was dedicated to the poor, suited to children.
St. John the Almsgiver, Patriarch of AlexandriaSt. John the Almsgiver, Patriarch of Alexandria - From Butler's Lives of the Saints.

Vatican City

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