Vatican City

Vatican City, Saint Joseph of Arimathea

Vatican City

The Acts of PilateThe Acts of Pilate - Apocryphal, probably written between the late third and mid-fifth century. Alexander Walker translation of a first and second Greek form. Chapters 11-16 deal with Joseph of Arimathea, and chapter 15 in the first Greek form includes interesting baptismal imagery. Britannia: Joseph of ArimatheaBritannia: Joseph of Arimathea - Explains how British monarchies claimed Joseph of Arimathea as an ancestor, and why this myth unravels.
Catholic Encyclopedia: Joseph of ArimatheaCatholic Encyclopedia: Joseph of Arimathea - All that is known for certain of him is what is told in the canonical Gospels. For All the Saints: Joseph of ArimatheaFor All the Saints: Joseph of Arimathea - Hagiography. Lots of legendary material.
James Kiefer's Christian Biographies: Joseph of ArimatheaJames Kiefer's Christian Biographies: Joseph of Arimathea - Discusses the legend that Joseph of Arimathea went to Britain. With prayer in traditional and contemporary language. Joseph of Arimathea, Biblical & Legendary AccountsJoseph of Arimathea, Biblical & Legendary Accounts - Canonical, noncanonical, and legendary accounts of this mysterious figure, with an emphasis on medieval English legend.
Mystic Realms: Joseph of ArimatheaMystic Realms: Joseph of Arimathea - Quotes passages of Scripture and of noncanonical works related to Joseph of Arimathea, delves into the origin of the legend of the Grail. The Narrative of JosephThe Narrative of Joseph - Apocryphal, purports to be by Joseph of Arimathea. From the Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 8, American edition. In HTML, with notes, at Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
The Passing of MaryThe Passing of Mary - Attributed to Joseph of Arimathea, but a medieval Latin version of a fourth-century Greek work. English translation by Alexander Walker. Patron Saints Index: Joseph of ArimatheaPatron Saints Index: Joseph of Arimathea - Illustrated profile.

Vatican City

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