Vatican City
Vatican City, Saint Leontius of Fréjus
Vatican City
Saint Lawrence of Canterbury
Saint Lazarus of Bethany
Saint Leander of Seville
Saint Lebwin of Deventer
Saint Leocadia
Saint Leodegarius
Saint Leonard of Noblac
Saint Leonidas of Alexandria
Saint Leontius of Fréjus
Saint Leo II
Saint Leo III
Saint Leo IV
Saint Leo the Great
Saint Leo the Great Works
Saint Linus
Saint Loman
Vatican City
Leontius of Fréjus
- Very brief note says he died in about 432.
St. Leontius
- Bishop of Fréjus, d. 488. On good terms with Honoratus, who founded the famous monastery of Lérins, and with John Cassian and Pope St. Leo I.
Vatican City
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