Vatican City

Vatican City, Saint Macrina the Younger

Vatican City

Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Macrina the YoungerCatholic Encyclopedia: St. Macrina the Younger - Granddaughter of St. Macrina the Elder, and the sister of St. Gregory of Nyssa. She died in 379. Catholic Online: St. Macrina the YoungerCatholic Online: St. Macrina the Younger - Brief biography.
Life of MacrinaLife of Macrina - St. Gregory's tribute to his beloved sister, who was a great influence on him. MacrinaMacrina - Biographical sketch of St. Macrina the Younger, by Karen Rae Keck.
Macrina the YoungerMacrina the Younger - Biographical portrait. Macrina the Younger, Monastic and TeacherMacrina the Younger, Monastic and Teacher - With prayer in traditional and contemporary language.

Vatican City

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