Vatican City

Vatican City, Saint Olaf

Vatican City

Catholic EncyclopediaCatholic Encyclopedia - St. Olaf Haraldson, martyr and King of Norway, d. 1030. Catholic OnlineCatholic Online - Biographical sketch of St. Olaf, patron saint of Norway. His feast day is 29 July.
For All the SaintsFor All the Saints - Biographical sketch of St. Olaf, King of Norway. Gives as variants on the saint's name: Olave, Ola, Olao, Tola, and Tooley. Patron Saints IndexPatron Saints Index - Profile of St. Olaf II, also known as St. Olaf Haraldson, Olaf Haraldsson, Olav II, Olav the Thick, or Olaf the Fat.
Snorri Sturlason: HeimskringlaSnorri Sturlason: Heimskringla - The Saga of Olaf Haraldson. In eight parts, by an important chronicler of the Viking age.

Vatican City

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