Vatican City
Vatican City, Saint Augustine of Hippo Works Treatises on the Gospel of John
Vatican City
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works On the Work of Monks
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works On Two Souls
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works On Virginity
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works Proceedings Against Fortunatus the Manichaean
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works Reply to Faustus the Manichaean
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works Rule of St. Augustine%2C The
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works Soliloquies
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works Treatises on 1 John
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works Treatises on the Gospel of John
Saint Aunarius
Saint Austremonius
Saint Auxentius of Mopsuestia
Saint Avitus of Vienne
Saint Babylas
Saint Baithen of Iona
Saint Balbina of Rome
Vatican City
Tractates on John
- Gibb-Innes translation. Each tractate in its own file. With notes and a preface.
Tractates on the Gospel of John
- Gibb-Innes translation. Each tractate in its own file. No notes.
Vatican City
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