Vatican City

Vatican City, Saint Babylas

Vatican City

BabylasBabylas - Profile of the bishop. Babylas, Urban, Prilidian & EpoloniusBabylas, Urban, Prilidian & Epolonius - Hagiography says that Babylas was martyred in about 250.
Catholic Encyclopedia: St. BabylasCatholic Encyclopedia: St. Babylas - Bishop of Antioch, martyr in the Decian persecution, d. in prison. Feast day: 24 January in the West; 4 September in the Christian East. Catholic Online: St. BabylasCatholic Online: St. Babylas - Short biography.
Introduction to the Homilies on S. Ignatius and S. BabylasIntroduction to the Homilies on S. Ignatius and S. Babylas - From the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church. Details the influence of St. Babylas even after his martyrdom, and the incident which prompted Chrysostom's eulogy. On the Holy Martyr, S. BabylasOn the Holy Martyr, S. Babylas - By St. John Chrysostom. From the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, first series, vol. 9. In HTML, with notes, at Christian Classics Ethereal Library.

Vatican City

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