Vatican City

Vatican City, Saint Barbara

Vatican City

Barbara, SaintBarbara, Saint - Summary of her legend, in the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica. Has a few scanner errors. Catholic Encyclopedia: St. BarbaraCatholic Encyclopedia: St. Barbara - Legendary virgin and martyr, first mentioned in the early seventh century. Alleged to have died in the third or fourth century, but date is uncertain and place of martyrdom varies.
Catholic Online: St. BarbaraCatholic Online: St. Barbara - Retelling of the pious legend about her. A Day to Honor Saint BarbaraA Day to Honor Saint Barbara - By Jonathan Young. Says her "mythic tale is a variation on the Rapunzel motif." Originally published in the Santa Barbara News-Press.
The Ecole Glossary: BarbaraThe Ecole Glossary: Barbara - Brief summary of the story of St. Barbara and why her cultus has been suppressed in the Catholic Church, by Karen Rae Keck. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia: St BarbaraGreek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia: St Barbara - Traditional account of her life and martyrdom.
The Legend of Saint BarbaraThe Legend of Saint Barbara - And why she is the patron saint of artillerymen. Life of Saint BarbaraLife of Saint Barbara - Brief profile of Greek Orthodox parish's patron saint.
Our Patron SaintOur Patron Saint - Story of the patron saint of St. Barbara's Parish, who is also the patron saint of prisoners. Includes several icons. Patron Saints Index: BarbaraPatron Saints Index: Barbara - Illustrated profile. In 1969, Barbara was removed from the Roman calendar, and her cult suppressed, because of the unreliability of the early evidence for her.
Saint Barbara the Brave MartyrSaint Barbara the Brave Martyr - Short life story, for children. By Daniel A. Lord.

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