Vatican City
Vatican City, Saint Basil of Amasea
Vatican City
Saint Avitus of Vienne
Saint Babylas
Saint Baithen of Iona
Saint Balbina of Rome
Saint Barbara
Saint Barnabas the Apostle
Saint Bartholomew the Apostle
Saint Basilides of Alexandria
Saint Basil of Amasea
Saint Basil the Great
Saint Basil the Great Works
Saint Basil the Great Works Canons
Saint Basil the Great Works First Canonical Epistle
Saint Basil the Great Works Hexaemeron%2C The
Saint Basil the Great Works Letter to Diodorus
Saint Basil the Great Works Letter to His Suffragans
Vatican City
Catholic Encyclopedia
- St. Basil of Amasea, bishop, martyred between 321 and 324. Also known as Basilius or Basileus.
For All the Saints
- Brief profile of St. Basileus of Amasea gives 319 as the year of his martyrdom.
Vatican City
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