Vatican City
Vatican City, Saint Ethelwold
Vatican City
Saint Epiphanius of Salamis Works
Saint Erasmus
Saint Erconwald
Saint Erhard of Ratisbon
Saint Erik
Saint Ethelbert of East Anglia
Saint Ethelbert of Kent
Saint Etheldreda
Saint Ethelwold
Saint Eucharius
Saint Eucherius of Lyons
Saint Eucherius of Lyons Works
Saint Eugendus
Saint Eugene I
Saint Eugenius of Carthage
Saint Eulalia of Barcelona
Vatican City
St. Aethelwold (909-984)
- Brief biographical profile concentrates on his tenure as bishop of Winchester.
St. Ethelwold
- Bishop of Winchester, called "father of monks," d. 984. Feast day is 1 August.
Vatican City
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