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 | Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Jerome - Lengthy article on the life and works of St. Jerome.
|  | Catholic Online: St. Jerome - Illustrated biography.
 | The Ecole Glossary: Jerome - Biography, by Karen Rae Keck.
|  | The Ecole Initiative: Jerome - Lengthy article by Ivor J. Davidson. With bibliography.
 | Jerome, Saint - Biographical article on the scholar, in the Columbia Encyclopedia. Includes brief bibliography.
|  | Jerome, Scholar, Translator, and Theologian - Biographical sketch. With prayer in traditional and contemporary language.
 | Jerome, St - Biographical entry in the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica. Some scanner errors.
|  | Patron Saints Index: Jerome - Illustrated profile.
 | The Perils of a Bible Translator - Long feature article on St. Jerome and the Vulgate, by Catholic Scripture scholar Leslie J. Hoppe.
|  | Saint Jerome - The story of St. Jerome and the lion. Illustrated.
 | Saint Jerome, Confessor, Doctor of the Church - From the book "Lives of Saints," published by John J. Crawley.
|  | Spiritus Paraclitus - Encyclical of Pope Benedict XV, on St. Jerome. Promulgated 15 September, 1920.
 | Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society: St. Jerome - The story of his life. Suitable for children.
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