Vatican City
Vatican City, Saint Peter Orseolo
Vatican City
Saint Pelagia of Antioch
Saint Pelagia of Tarsus
Saint Pelagia the Harlot
Saint Perpetuus
Saint Peter Chrysologus
Saint Peter of Alexandria
Saint Peter of Alexandria Works
Saint Peter of Sebaste
Saint Peter Orseolo
Saint Peter the Apostle
Saint Petronilla
Saint Petronius of Bologna
Saint Philastrius
Saint Philip the Apostle
Saint Philip the Deacon
Saint Pionius
Vatican City
Peter Orseolo, OSB, Hermit
- Biographical profile.
St. Peter Orseolo
- Short biography, by Clifford Stevens.
St. Peter Urseolus
- Peter was the doge of Venice. He left his wife to become a Benedictine monk and later a hermit. Died in 987.
Vatican City
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