Vatican City
Vatican City, Saint Philip the Deacon
Vatican City
Saint Peter of Alexandria Works
Saint Peter of Sebaste
Saint Peter Orseolo
Saint Peter the Apostle
Saint Petronilla
Saint Petronius of Bologna
Saint Philastrius
Saint Philip the Apostle
Saint Philip the Deacon
Saint Pionius
Saint Pius I
Saint Placidus
Saint Polycarp of Smyrna
Saint Polycarp of Smyrna Works
Saint Pontian
Saint Porphyrius of Gaza
Vatican City
Philip, Saint, one of the seven deacons chosen by the Twelve Disciples
- Brief entry in the Columbia Encyclopedia.
Philip the Deacon
- Short article, by Karen Rae Keck.
St. Philip the Deacon
- Brief summary of what can be known of Philip from Scripture.
Vatican City
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