Vatican City
Vatican City, Saint Simon the Apostle
Vatican City
Saint Sebastian
Saint Senan of Scattery
Saint Serapion of Antioch
Saint Sergius I
Saint Sexburga
Saint Silverius
Saint Simeon Stylites the Elder
Saint Simeon Stylites the Younger
Saint Simon the Apostle
Saint Simplicius
Saint Siricius
Saint Sixtus I
Saint Sixtus II
Saint Sixtus III
Saint Soter
Saint Stephen
Vatican City
Catholic Encyclopedia
- St. Simon the Apostle, also known as St. Simon the Zealot.
The Ecole Glossary
- St. Simon Zelotes, sometimes called Simon the Less. Christian legend associates St. Simon with Persia or England.
For All the Saints
- Hagiography of Simon the Zealot.
James Kiefer's Christian Biographies
- Profiles of SS. Simon and Jude, with prayer in traditional and contemporary language.
Lives of the Saints
- From Alban Butler's Lives of the Saints.
Patron Saints Index
- Illustrated, with links.
St. Simon of Zealot
- Very brief.
Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society
- Short, suitable for children.
Vatican City
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