Vatican City

Vatican City, Popes Pius XII Works

Vatican City

Ad Caeli ReginamAd Caeli Reginam - On Proclaiming the Queenship of Mary. Encyclical promulgated on 11 October 1954. Deiparae Virginis MariaeDeiparae Virginis Mariae - Encyclical promulgated on 1 May 1946. Asks the bishops to pray about whether the Assumption of Mary should be defined as dogma.
Divino Afflante SpirituDivino Afflante Spiritu - Encyclical on Biblical studies. Promulgated 30 September, 1943. In plain text, 62K. Divino Afflante SpirituDivino Afflante Spiritu - Encyclical promulgated 30 September, 1943. On Biblical studies. HTML, 61K.
Doctor MellifluusDoctor Mellifluus - Encyclical on St. Bernard of Clairvaux, the last of the Fathers. Promulgated 24 May, 1953. Ecclesiae FastosEcclesiae Fastos - Encyclical on St. Boniface. Promulgated 5 June, 1954.
Fulgens CoronaFulgens Corona - Proclaiming a Marian Year to commemorate the centenary of the definition of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. Encyclical promulgated on 8 September 1953. Fulgens RadiaturFulgens Radiatur - Encyclical on St. Benedict, promulgated 21 March, 1947.
Haurietis AquasHaurietis Aquas - Encyclical on devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, promulgated in 1956. Says that it is beneficial for all to consider the core of this devotion, namely, gratitude for divine love. Humani GenerisHumani Generis - Encyclical condemns false irenicism and warns theologians against binding themselves to a particular philosophy without regard for the teaching of the Church. Promulgated 12 August, 1950. In plain text, justified.
Humani GenerisHumani Generis - Encyclical mentions the theory of evolution and is famous for condemning polygenism. Promulgated 12 August, 1950. In HTML. Le Pèlerinage de LourdesLe Pèlerinage de Lourdes - Encyclical addressed to the bishops of France, issued during the centenary year of the apparitions of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Munificentissimus DeusMunificentissimus Deus - Apostolic Constitution, November 1, 1950, on proclaiming the dogma of the Assumption. Orientales Omnes EcclesiasOrientales Omnes Ecclesias - Encyclical on the 350th anniversary of the reunion of the Ruthenian Church with Rome. Promulgated 23 December, 1945.
Orientalis EcclesiaeOrientalis Ecclesiae - On Saint Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria. Encyclical promulgated 9 April, 1944. Pope Pius XII's Easter MessagePope Pius XII's Easter Message - April 13, 1941. Asks belligerants to spare civilians, and to refrain from escalating tactics of mass destruction.
The Service of TruthThe Service of Truth - A letter sent by Pius XII to the Archbishop of Westminster, marking the centenary of John Henry Newman's reception into the Catholic Church. Si DiligisSi Diligis - An allocution read on the occasion of the canonization of Pope St. Pius X, in 1954.
Divino Afflante SpirituDivino Afflante Spiritu - Encyclical promulgated 30 September, 1943. On Biblical studies. HTML, 61K.

Vatican City

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