Vatican City

Vatican City, Saints Agape, Chionia, and Irene

Vatican City

Agape, Chionia (Chione) & IreneAgape, Chionia (Chione) & Irene - Hagiography of these virgins and martyrs, blood sisters who died in 304. Holy Virgin Martyrs Agape, Irene and ChioniaHoly Virgin Martyrs Agape, Irene and Chionia - Kontakion and short hagiography. These saints are celebrated in the East on 16 April.
IreneIrene - Illustrated profile of the Macedonian martyr. Our PatronessOur Patroness - The story of St. Irene, courtesy of St. Irene Catholic Parish, Warrenville, Illinois.
Virgin-Martyrs Sts Agape, Irene and ChioneVirgin-Martyrs Sts Agape, Irene and Chione - Brief hagiography of these women.

Vatican City

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