Vatican City
Vatican City, Saint Lucian of Antioch
Vatican City
Saint Leontius of Fréjus
Saint Leo II
Saint Leo III
Saint Leo IV
Saint Leo the Great
Saint Leo the Great Works
Saint Linus
Saint Loman
Saint Lucian of Antioch
Saint Lucius I
Saint Lucy of Syracuse
Saint Ludger
Saint Ludmila
Saint Luke the Evangelist
Saint Macarius of Antioch
Saint Macarius of Jerusalem
Vatican City
Catholic Encyclopedia: Lucian of Antioch
- Biographical article on the presbyter famed for his sanctity and scholarship, who died a martyr in 312.
For All the Saints: Lucian of Antioch
- Hagiography of this early fourth century martyr.
Lucian (d. 312)
- Article on the Christian martyr from the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica.
Patron Saints Index: Lucian of Antioch
- Compilation of biographical data on the martyr.
Vatican City
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