Vatican City

Vatican City, Saint Augustine of Canterbury

Vatican City

Augustine of Canterbury, Bishop and MissionaryAugustine of Canterbury, Bishop and Missionary - Biographical sketch. With prayer in traditional and contemporary language. Augustine of Canterbury, SaintAugustine of Canterbury, Saint - Short biographical entry in the Columbia Encyclopedia.
Britannia: St. Augustine of CanterburyBritannia: St. Augustine of Canterbury - Brief biography. Edited from G.M. Bevan's "Portraits of the Archbishops of Canterbury." Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Augustine of CanterburyCatholic Encyclopedia: St. Augustine of Canterbury - Biographical article on the monk who was the first Archbishop of Canterbury, called "Apostle of the English."
The Ecole Glossary: Augustine of CanterburyThe Ecole Glossary: Augustine of Canterbury - Short biography, by Karen Rae Keck. This saint is also called "Austin." The Mission of St. Augustine of Canterbury to the EnglishThe Mission of St. Augustine of Canterbury to the English - An entire web site devoted to Augustine's arrival in England. Notes on the historical situation, map, bibliography, many links. By Dr. Ghazwan Butrous.
Monastery of Christ in the Desert: St. Augustine of CanterburyMonastery of Christ in the Desert: St. Augustine of Canterbury - Short biography. Patron Saints Index: Augustine of CanterburyPatron Saints Index: Augustine of Canterbury - Illustrated profile.
Saint Augustine, Bishop Confessor, Apostle of the EnglishSaint Augustine, Bishop Confessor, Apostle of the English - From Alban Butler's Lives of the Saints. Saint Augustine of Canterbury, BishopSaint Augustine of Canterbury, Bishop - Biography.
St. Augustine of Canterbury, Apostle of EnglandSt. Augustine of Canterbury, Apostle of England - An icon of St. Augustine of Canterbury, wonderworker. With a brief essay on his uneasy relations with the Celtic Christians. The Venerable Bede: Ecclesiastical HistoryThe Venerable Bede: Ecclesiastical History - William Hurst translation. Each chapter in its own file, with links to the next. At CCEL.
The Venerable Bede: Ecclesiastical History (Excerpts)The Venerable Bede: Ecclesiastical History (Excerpts) - About the conversion of England. Approximately the first half deals with Augustine. At Medieval Sourcebook. Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society: St. Augustine of CanterburyVietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society: St. Augustine of Canterbury - The story of his life. Suitable for children.

Vatican City

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