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Vatican City, Saint Augustine of Hippo

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James J. O'Donnell: Augustine of HippoJames J. O'Donnell: Augustine of Hippo - Extensive site about Augustine; offers texts and translations, commentary and research materials, images, and related links.

Ad SalutemAd Salutem - Encyclical of Pope Pius XI, on St. Augustine, promulgated on 30 April 1930.
AugustineAugustine - Papers on Augustinian theology and ethics by Gerald W. Schlabach at the University of St. Thomas. Augustine and the City of GodAugustine and the City of God - Brief essay by Mike Bone in the Dictionary of Modern Western Theology.
Augustine (Aurelius Augustinus)Augustine (Aurelius Augustinus) - Biographical article from the Encyclopædia Britannica, 9th ed., 1878. Augustine Influences ChristianityAugustine Influences Christianity - Essay on Augustine's theory about the fall of Rome and original sin, and Augustine against the pantheists, the Pelagians and Donatists.
Augustine of Hippo, Bishop and TheologianAugustine of Hippo, Bishop and Theologian - From James Kiefer's Christian Biographies. Includes prayer in traditional and contemporary language. Augustine, SaintAugustine, Saint - Biographical article from the 11th edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica (1911).
Augustine, Saint, of HippoAugustine, Saint, of Hippo - Lengthy article on Augustine's life, writings, and teachings. By F. Loofs, in the New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Augustinum HipponensemAugustinum Hipponensem - Apostolic Letter of Pope John Paul II on St. Augustine, issued in 1986 on the sixteenth centenary of Augustine's conversion.
The Baptism of Saint AugustineThe Baptism of Saint Augustine - Painting from the Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry. With commentary. Catholic Encyclopedia: Life of St. Augustine of HippoCatholic Encyclopedia: Life of St. Augustine of Hippo - Biographical article, with extensive hyperlinks to related articles.
Catholic Encyclopedia: Rule of Saint AugustineCatholic Encyclopedia: Rule of Saint Augustine - Names the five documents sometimes identified as the Rule of Augustine, quickly narrows the field to two contenders, settles on Letter 211. Also deals with Augustine's relation to monasticism. Catholic Encyclopedia: Teaching of St. Augustine of HippoCatholic Encyclopedia: Teaching of St. Augustine of Hippo - Article on Augustine as a Doctor of the Church, and his influence in the history of philosophy and theology. Particular interest in his teaching on grace.
Catholic Encyclopedia: Works of St. Augustine of HippoCatholic Encyclopedia: Works of St. Augustine of Hippo - Annotated bibliography of Augustine's principal writings. Catholic Online: St. Augustine of HippoCatholic Online: St. Augustine of Hippo - Short biography of Augustine, and why he is the patron saint of brewers.
CoptNet: Saint AugustineCoptNet: Saint Augustine - Coptic Synexarion profile of St. Augustine, bishop of Hippo, Doctor of the Church. The Ecole Glossary: Augustine of HippoThe Ecole Glossary: Augustine of Hippo - Brief profile, by Elise M. Bender.
Island of Freedom: St. AugustineIsland of Freedom: St. Augustine - Biography, quotes, and links to English translations of works by Augustine of Hippo. Jack Pejza: St. Augustine of HippoJack Pejza: St. Augustine of Hippo - Includes Augustine artwork, a selection of articles, and links to articles and works.
Mark Browning: St. AugustineMark Browning: St. Augustine - Introductory overview. Patron Saints Index: Augustine of HippoPatron Saints Index: Augustine of Hippo - Illustrated profile, with links, and excerpts from the saint's writings.
Rivendell Educational Archive: Saint AugustineRivendell Educational Archive: Saint Augustine - Gives a short biography, links to online texts, and suggested reading. Saint Augustine & the Augustinian OrderSaint Augustine & the Augustinian Order - Links to lectures, texts, sermons, and other Augustinian Studies resources maintained by the Falvey Library of Villanova University.
Stanford Encyclopedia: Saint AugustineStanford Encyclopedia: Saint Augustine - Lengthy article on Aurelius Augustinus by Michael Mendelson. Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society: St. AugustineVietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society: St. Augustine - A short biography, suitable for children.

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