Vatican City
Vatican City, Saint Benedict Biscop
Vatican City
Saint Basil the Great Works Second Canonical Epistle
Saint Basil the Great Works Third Canonical Epistle
Saint Bathildis
Saint Bede the Venerable
Saint Bede the Venerable Works
Saint Bede the Venerable Works Ecclesiastical History of the English People
Saint Benedict
Saint Benedict Works
Saint Benedict Biscop
Saint Benedict II
Saint Benedict of Aniane
Saint Benen
Saint Benignus of Dijon
Saint Berach
Saint Bercharius
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
Vatican City
Britannia: St. Benedict Biscop
- A biography, edited from ECS Gibson's "Northumbrian Saints."
Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Benedict Biscop
- Anglo-Saxon, monastic founder, d. 690. Article in the Catholic Encyclopedia.
The Ecole Glossary: Benedict Biscop
- Short biography, by Karen Rae Keck.
For All the Saints: Benedict Biscop
- Hagiography outlines his importance in English Church history.
The Lives of the Holy Abbots of Weremouth and Jarrow
- By the Venerable Bede. Complete text, in the translation of J.A. Giles. Approximately the first two thirds of this work is about Benedict Biscop.
Vatican City
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