Vatican City

Vatican City, Saint Anselm of Canterbury Works

Vatican City

Basic WritingsBasic Writings - Full text of this standard collection online. Includes the Proslogium, Monologium, Gaunilon's On Behalf of the Fool, and the Cur Deus Homo. Also critiques of the ontological argument by later philosophers. Also available in XML or in RTF (for 32-bit Windows word processors). Jasper HoskinsJasper Hoskins - English translations of works by Anselm of Canterbury and Nicholas of Cusa. Also articles on translation and about topics in these two authors' writings. All in PDF, and file sizes can be very large. St. Anselm's treatise on free will, for example, is 1.6M.
Prayer to St. Mary MagdalenePrayer to St. Mary Magdalene - A meditation on our need for God's love and mercy. Illustrated.

Vatican City

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