Vatican City

Vatican City, Saint Anthony

Vatican City

Anthony of EgyptAnthony of Egypt - Short biography, by Karen Rae Keck. Anthony the AbbotAnthony the Abbot - Illustrated profile.
Antony, AbbotAntony, Abbot - Illustrated hagiography of St. Antony. Antony, Abbot in EgyptAntony, Abbot in Egypt - Brief biography, with prayer in traditional and contemporary language.
Athanasius: St. AnthonyAthanasius: St. Anthony - Selections from the "Life of Antony." Translator unnamed. Catholic Encyclopedia: St. AnthonyCatholic Encyclopedia: St. Anthony - Article on the founder of Christian monasticism.
Columbia Encyclopedia: Anthony, SaintColumbia Encyclopedia: Anthony, Saint - Brief biographical entry. Encyclopædia Britannica: Anthony, SaintEncyclopædia Britannica: Anthony, Saint - Profile of the first Christian monk. In the 11th edition (1911). Some scanner errors.
Life of AntonyLife of Antony - By St. Athanasius. All in one HTML file, with notes, at Christian Classics Ethereal Library. From the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, second series, vol. 4. Life of St. AnthonyLife of St. Anthony - By St. Athanasius. All in one HTML file. With introduction, but no notes. From the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, second series, vol. 4.
Saint AnthonySaint Anthony - Three accounts of the life of St. Anthony: for children ages 0-8, children 8-14, and age 14-adult. By Catherine Fournier. Saint Anthony, Father of the MonksSaint Anthony, Father of the Monks - Biography, at Copt-Net.
Saint Antony of EgyptSaint Antony of Egypt - Abbot, Patriarch of Monks. From "Lives of Saints", published by John J. Crawley. St. Anthony, AbbotSt. Anthony, Abbot - Patriarch of Monks. From Fr. Alban Butler's Lives of the Saints.
St. Anthony of EgyptSt. Anthony of Egypt - His life story, suited to children. St. Anthony the AbbotSt. Anthony the Abbot - Meditation on his life, by Terry Matz.
St. Anthony the GreatSt. Anthony the Great - Biography by Christina Dedoussis.

Vatican City

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