Vatican City

Vatican City, Saint Ansgar

Vatican City

AnskarAnskar - Brief biography, by Karen Rae Keck. Anskar, Bishop and Missionary to Denmark and SwedenAnskar, Bishop and Missionary to Denmark and Sweden - With prayer in traditional and contemporary language.
For All the Saints: AnsgarFor All the Saints: Ansgar - Hagiography. The Life of AnskarThe Life of Anskar - St. Rembert's biography of his predecessor St. Anskar. Charles Robinson translation. Includes introduction, bibliography, and hymns.
Patron Saints Index: AnsgarPatron Saints Index: Ansgar - Profile. St. AnscharSt. Anschar - The Apostle of the North. Benedictine monk, missionary to Scandinavia, bishop of Hamburg, d. 865.

Vatican City

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