Vatican City
Vatican City, Saint Anterus
Vatican City
Saint Andrew Scotus
Saint Andrew the Apostle
Saint Angilbert
Saint Anicetus, Pope
Saint Anne
Saint Anselm of Canterbury
Saint Anselm of Canterbury Works
Saint Ansgar
Saint Anterus
Saint Anthony
Saint Anthony of Padua
Saint Anthony of Padua Works
Saint Antipas
Saint Aphian
Saint Apollinaris Claudius
Saint Apollinaris of Ravenna
Vatican City
- Brief biography, by Karen Rae Keck.
- Short biography.
Pope St. Anterus
- Also known as Anteros, pope for less than 2 months, d. in 236. Short article from the Catholic Encyclopedia.
St. Anterus
- Brief profile, from Popes Through the Ages.
Vatican City
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