Vatican City - overview:
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- Saint Cyprian of Carthage Works On the Unity of the Catholic Church
- Saint Cyprian of Carthage Works On the Vanity of Idols
| | | |  | On the Vanity of Idols - Ernest Wallis translation. From Ante-Nicene Fathers (American edition), vol. 5. In HTML, with notes, at Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
|  | That Idols Are Not Gods - In plain text. Unnamed translator.
| - Saint Cyprian of Carthage Works On Works and Almsgiving
| | | |  | On Works and Alms - Ernest Wallis translation. From Ante-Nicene Fathers (American edition), vol. 5. In HTML, with notes, at Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
|  | Works and Almsgiving - In plain text. Translator unnamed.
| - Saint Cyprian of Carthage Works To Demetrian
| | | |  | An Address to Demetrianus - Ernest Wallis translation. From Ante-Nicene Fathers (American edition), vol. 5. In HTML, with notes, at Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
|  | To Demetrian - In plain text. Translator unnamed.
| - Saint Cyprian of Carthage Works To Januarius
| | | |  | Epistle to Januarius - Oxford translation and Henry R. Percival notes, from the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, second series, vol. 14. Included in this volume on the ecumenical councils because the letter, sometimes called Canon 1, was issued by Cyprian and his fellow bishops at the Synod of Carthage in 257 and ratified by the Council in Trullo.
|  | Epistle to Januarius and Other Numidian Bishops, on Baptizing Heretics - Ernest Wallis translation and notes, from Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 5, American edition.
| - Saint Cyprian of Toulon
| | | |  | St. Cyprian - Bishop of Toulon, student and biographer of St. Caesarius of Arles. Cyprian died in 546. Feast day: 3 October.
| | - Saint Cyril
| | | |  | The Ecole Glossary: Cyril - Short biography of St. Cyril, also known as Constantine the Philosopher, inventor of the glagolithic (Cyrillic) alphabet, by Karen Rae Keck.
|  | Encyclopædia Britannica: Cyril - Profile of the missionary. In the 11th edition (1911). Some scanner errors.
| - Saint Cyril of Alexandria
- Saint Cyril of Alexandria Works
| | | |  | Canons - Approved as canonical by the Council in Trullo. The first, a canonical letter, is mentioned but not quoted or summarized. Only epitomes of the other two. From the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, second series, vol. 14.
| | - Saint Cyril of Alexandria Works Letter to John of Antioch
- Saint Cyril of Alexandria Works Second Letter to Nestorius
- Saint Cyril of Alexandria Works Third Letter to Nestorius
- Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
- Saint Cyril of Jerusalem Works
- Saint Damasus I
- Saint Darerca
- Saint David of Wales
- Saint Declan of Ardmore
- Saint Deicolus
- Saint Deiniol
- Saint Demetrius of Alexandria
- Saint Denis
- Saint Desiderius of Cahors
- Saint Desiderius of Langres
- Saint Desiderius of Vienne
- Saint Deusdedit I
- Saint Deusdedit of Canterbury
- Saint Devenick
- Saint Diarmaid the Just
- Saint Dichu
- Saint Dinooth
- Saint Dionysius, Pope
- Saint Dionysius%2C Pope Works
- Saint Dionysius of Corinth
- Saint Dionysius the Areopagite
- Saint Dionysius the Great
- Saint Dionysius the Great Works
- Saint Disibod
- Saint Dominic
- Saint Donnan of Eigg
- Saint Drithelm
- Saint Drostan
- Saint Dunchadh
- Saint Dunstan
- Saint Dwynwen
- Saint Dyfrig
- Saint Eanswyth
- Saint Eata
- Saint Edmund Rich
- Saint Edmund the Martyr
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