Vatican City - overview:
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- Saints Faustinus and Jovita
- Saints Felix and Adauctus
| | | |  | Felix and Adauctus - Short hagiography, less confusing than the Catholic Encyclopedia.
|  | Sts. Felix and Adauctus - Martyrs at Rome in 303. "Adauctus" is not the second martyr's proper name--it means "added."
| - Saints Fructuosus, Augurius, and Eulogius
- Saints Gallicanus
| | | |  | Catholic Encyclopedia - Three saints named Gallicanus share 25 June as their feast day. St. Gallicanus (of Ostia) was a Roman martyr in Egypt, c. 363. St. Gallicanus I, was seventh bishop of Embrun, fl. 524-529. And St. Gallicanus II was the ninth bishop of Embrun from c. 518-549 or 554.
|  | For All the Saints - Paragraph on St. Gallicanus (of Ostia). Mentions only one St. Gallicanus of Embrun, and makes him the fifth bishop of that see.
| - Saints Gervasius and Protasius
| | | |  | Gervase and Protase - Essay places these saints in the second century.
|  | Letter XXII - In a letter to his sister, St. Ambrose tells of the discovery of the relics of Gervasius and Protasius. Also includes sermons delivered on the occasion.
| - Saints Joachim and Anne
- Saints John and Paul
| | | |  | John and Paul - These saints, always named together, are mentioned in the Eucharistic Prayer. St. Pammachius built a church in their honor.
|  | Sts. John and Paul - Roman martyrs, c. 362. Their feast day is 26 June.
| - Saints Julian and Basilissa
| | | |  | Julian, Basilissa, Antony, Anastasius & Comp. - Short hagiography of SS. Julian, Basilissa, and companions says that the married couple founded a hospital in their home.
|  | Sts. Julian and Basilissa - Husband and wife, of whom little is known except that he was martyred in the Diocletian persecution. According to later legend, Basilissa was the founder of a monastery.
| - Saints Marcellinus and Peter
- Saints Maris, Martha, Audifax, and Abachum
- Saints Mark and Marcellian
- Saints Nabor and Felix
- Saints Nazarius and Celsus
- Saints Nereus and Achilleus
- Saints Nereus and Achilleus%2C Domitilla and Pancras
- Saints Nicasius, Quirinus, and Scubiculus
- Saints Perpetua and Felicity
- Saints Primus and Felician
- Saints Processus and Martinian
- Saints Protus and Hyacinth
- Saints Quiricus and Julitta
- Saints Sergius and Bacchus
- Saints Simplicius, Faustinus, and Beatrice
- Saints Tarachus, Probus, and Andronicus
- Saints Theodore and Theophanes
- Saints Tryphon, Respicius, and Nympha
- Saints Vitalis and Agricola
- Saints Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia
- Saint Abban of Magheranoidhe
- Saint Abban of New Ross
- Saint Abban the Hermit
- Saint Acca
- Saint Adalard
- Saint Adalbert of Prague
- Saint Adamnan
- Saint Adamnan Works
- Saint Adeodatus II
- Saint Ado of Vienne
- Saint Adrian of Canterbury
- Saint Adrian of Nicomedia
- Saint Aelred of Rievaulx
- Saint Aengus the Culdee
- Saint Afra
- Saint Agapetus I
- Saint Agatha
- Saint Agatho
- Saint Agatho Works
- Saint Agnes
- Saint Agricius
- Saint Aidan of Ferns
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