Vatican City - overview:
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- Saint Romanos
| | | |  | Catholic Encyclopedia - St. Romanos "ho melodos" (the Melodist), sixth-century Syrian, wrote about 1,000 kontakia.
|  | For All the Saints - St. Romanos, or Romanus, the Melodist, priest who gave the classic form to the kontakion. Died around 540.
| - Saint Ruadhan of Lorrha
| | | |  | Catholic Encyclopedia - St. Ruadhan, Irish founder of the monastery of Lorrha, one of the "twelve apostles of Erin", d. 584.
|  | For All the Saints - St. Ruadhan is also known as St. Rodan or Ruadan.
| - Saint Rupert of Salzburg
| | | |  | Catholic Encyclopedia - St. Rupert's name is sometimes given as Hrodperht, Hrodpreht, Roudbertus, or Rudbertus. First bishop of Salzburg, died around 718.
|  | The Ecole Glossary - Biographical sketch of St. Rupert of Salzburg, by Karen Rae Keck.
| - Saint Rusticus of Narbonne
- Saint Sabas
| | | |  | Catholic Encyclopedia - St. Sabbas, or Sabas. Basilian monk, hermit, founded the monastery at Mar Saba near Jerusalem. Died 532. Article also mentions five other saints of this name.
|  | Sabas, St - Short article on the Palestinian monk, in the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica. Has some scanner errors.
| - Saint Sabina
- Saint Samson of Brittany
- Saint Saturninus of Toulouse
- Saint Seachnall
- Saint Sebastian
- Saint Senan of Scattery
- Saint Serapion of Antioch
- Saint Sergius I
- Saint Sexburga
- Saint Silverius
- Saint Simeon Stylites the Elder
- Saint Simeon Stylites the Younger
- Saint Simon the Apostle
- Saint Simplicius
- Saint Siricius
- Saint Sixtus I
- Saint Sixtus II
- Saint Sixtus III
- Saint Soter
- Saint Stephen
- Saint Stephen I
- Saint Susanna
- Saint Swithbert
- Saint Swithin
- Saint Sylvester I
- Saint Sylvia
- Saint Symmachus
- Saint Symphorian
- Saint Symphorosa
- Saint Tarasius
- Saint Tarsicius
- Saint Tarsilla
- Saint Tassach
- Saint Tatwin
- Saint Teilo
- Saint Telesphorus
- Saint Ternan
- Saint Tewdric
- Saint Thais
- Saint Thecla of Iconium
- Saint Thecla of Kitzingen
- Saint Theobald of Provins
- Saint Theodore Studites
- Saint Theodore Studites Works
- Saint Theodore Tyro
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