Vatican City
VA Directory, Overview
Vatican City
Saint Goar
Saint Ignatius of Antioch Works Romans
Saint Vincent of LĂ©rins Works
Saint Melania the Younger
Saint Tryphon
Saint Erhard of Ratisbon
Government Embassies and Consulates Abroad
Saint Anne
Saint Mary Magdalene
Saint Cornelius
Saint Omer
Saint Sylvia
Saint Comgall
Saint Nicholas of Myra
Saint Porphyrius of Gaza
Saint Columba of Terryglass
Saint Tewdric
Saint Basil the Great Works First Canonical Epistle
Saint Victor I
Saint Julius I
Vatican City - overview:
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works On the Good of Marriage
On the Good of Marriage
- C.L. Cornish translation. 69K. No notes.
On the Good of Marriage
- C.L. Cornish translation. With notes. 81K.
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works On the Good of Widowhood
On the Good of Widowhood
- C.L. Cornish translation. With notes. 70K.
On the Good of Widowhood
- C.L. Cornish translation. No notes. 64K.
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works On the Grace of Christ%2C and Original Sin
A Treatise on the Grace of Christ, and on Original Sin
- Each Book in its own file. No notes.
A Treatise on the Grace of Christ, and on Original Sin
- Each Book in its own file. With notes.
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works On the Guilt and Remission of Sins%2C and Infant Baptism
On the Merits and Forgiveness of Sins, and on the Baptism of Infants
- Each Book in its own file. With notes.
On the Merits and Forgiveness of Sins, and on the Baptism of Infants
- Each Book in its own file. No notes.
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works On the Morals of the Catholic Church
Of the Morals of the Catholic Church
- All in one file. With notes. 120K.
On the Morals of the Catholic Church
- Each chapter in its own file. No notes.
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works On the Morals of the Manichaeans
On the Morals of the Manichaeans
- Each chapter in its own file. No notes.
On the Morals of the Manichaeans
- All in one file. With notes. 110K.
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works On the Nature of Good
Concerning the Nature of Good, Against the Manichaean
- Split into 5 files. No notes.
Concerning the Nature of Good, Against the Manichaeans
- All in one file. With notes. 74K.
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works On the Perfection of Human Justice
Concerning Man's Perfection in Righteousness
- With notes and an introduction.
A Treatise Concerning Man's Perfection in Righteousness
- No notes. 87K.
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works On the Predestination of the Saints
A Treatise on the Predestination of the Saints
- Each Book in its own file. No notes.
A Treatise on the Predestination of the Saints
- Each Book in its own file. With notes.
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works On the Proceedings of Pelagius
On the Proceedings of Pelagius
- With introduction and notes.
A Work on the Proceedings of Pelagius
- No notes. 149K.
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works On the Sermon on the Mount
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works On the Soul and Its Origin
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works On the Spirit and the Letter
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works On the Trinity
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works On the Usefulness of Believing
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works On the Work of Monks
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works On Two Souls
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works On Virginity
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works Proceedings Against Fortunatus the Manichaean
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works Reply to Faustus the Manichaean
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works Rule of St. Augustine%2C The
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works Soliloquies
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works Treatises on 1 John
Saint Augustine of Hippo Works Treatises on the Gospel of John
Saint Aunarius
Saint Austremonius
Saint Auxentius of Mopsuestia
Saint Avitus of Vienne
Saint Babylas
Saint Baithen of Iona
Saint Balbina of Rome
Saint Barbara
Saint Barnabas the Apostle
Saint Bartholomew the Apostle
Saint Basilides of Alexandria
Saint Basil of Amasea
Saint Basil the Great
Saint Basil the Great Works
Saint Basil the Great Works Canons
Saint Basil the Great Works First Canonical Epistle
Saint Basil the Great Works Hexaemeron%2C The
Saint Basil the Great Works Letter to Diodorus
Saint Basil the Great Works Letter to His Suffragans
Saint Basil the Great Works Letter to the Chorepiscopi
Saint Basil the Great Works On the Holy Spirit%2C Chapter 27
Saint Basil the Great Works Second Canonical Epistle
Saint Basil the Great Works Third Canonical Epistle
Saint Bathildis
Saint Bede the Venerable
Saint Bede the Venerable Works
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